Jean L’Hommecourt -Co-chair

Fort McKay First Nation, Treaty 8

Jean L’Hommecourt is an Indigenous Denesulinè, Registered Member of Treaty 8 with the Fort McKay First Nation, AB. Blessed with 4 daughters and 1 Son, and a proud grandmother to 7 grandchildren. Raised traditionally on the Land by her parents, Norbert LHommecourt and Annie LHommecourt (nee Boucher), on the Eastbank of Athabasca River on the homeland territory called Poplar Point. At the age of 6, she and her younger twin sisters were the last remaining children of 9 siblings to be taken from her family and placed in the Holy Angels’ Residential School at Fort Chipewyan. There she remained for the

following 6 years. After being released from Residential, the home she knew as a child was abandoned and her family took up residency at a place called Moccasin Flats, Fort McMurray, AB Jean attended Jr. and Sr. High School in Fort Chipewyan Bishop Piche School and St. John Jr High and Composite High School in Fort McMurray. Graduated from the Office Administration Certificate Program at Aurora College in Yellowknife, NT. Completed a Certificate Program with Treaty 8 Housing Inspector Training Program at NAIT College in Edmonton, AB.

She has spent years residing in the Northwest Territories in an isolated community of Lutselkè and in the city of Yellowknife. One of her memorable stays was living on the barrenlands for six months with her infant in the winter season, and then traveling back by dogteam. Living in the pristine north has inspired and motivated her to advocate for the land and water and the cultural Dene Way of Life.

Since returning to Fort McKay First Nation, she has worked tirelessly, advocating for the Denesulinè traditional territory and the environment by representing her community through many different forums, committees, and working groups. She served as an expert witness panel for the Shell JackPine Mine Expansion Hearing, Teck Frontier Mine Hearing, Prosper Petroleum Hearing. Participated in the Aboriginal Advisory CEMA Working Group to the end; Was a Panel guest speaker of the 2018 17th North American Caribou Workshop in Ottawa. Attended the Solutions to Solidarity Week of Workshop Rallys and Marches in San Francisco, California. Participated in Keepers of the Water Gatherings since its first inception and is now serving as a chairperson. Represents FMFN as a community member for the National Alliance Healthy Hearts, Healthy Minds Health Study. Represents FMFN as a member on the Aboriginal Task Force with ALPAC Land Advisory Group. Is a member on the Suncor McClelland Lake Wetlands Committee for the proposed Fort Hills Expansion, and represents the FMFN on the many CAGs(Community Advisory Groups) with the surrounding Industry Companies. Outspoken on the many atrocities that the First Nations face through media relations and international news articles.

In her 25 years of employment history with the Fort McKay First Nation, she has held positions as Receptionist-Secretary; Indian Registration Administrator, Employment and Training Coordinator and Housing Manager. Additionally, with the Industry Relations Corporation as the Environmental Coordinator, Trapper/Trapline Coordinator, Traditional Land Use Researcher, and currently holds the title; Traditional Land Use Specialist, which is now called the Sustainability Department.


Harvey Scott KOW Elders Council


Sue Deranger - Co-Chair, Regina, Treaty 4