Indigenous Peoples in Alberta Demand Surface Water Co-Management and Conservation Objective Rights
Alberta has about 25,000 water license holders, holding up to 9.5 billion cubic meters of licenses. Even during a severe drought, there is no legislation to force license holders to share their water allocations or engage in any accountability for water use
Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022
In 1884, traditional Indigenous ceremonies such as the potlatch, ghost dance, shake tent, and sundance were banned under the 1876 Indian Act. Our people were arrested for conducting or participating in traditional ceremonies and the Canadian government forcibly took their ceremonial materials away. Our songs, prayers, sacred items, and ceremonies were hidden in order to be secretly kept alive until such a time comes for our Peoples to return to our Land and live our traditional ways in a modern world. The ban on our traditional ways remained in effect until 1951.