
Sue Deranger Elders Wisdom Council Regina, Treaty 4 Short Film

Thinking about swimming, being a little bit afraid. My dad told me: “Remember, if you love the water, the water will always love you and take care of you.” So I would go to the water and say, “I love you. I love you. I love you.” I was really little—I don’t even know how little. And I don’t know why that memory just came back. Without water, we wouldn’t be here. There would be no life. I remember the call during Standing Rock: “Water is life.” Water is the spirit of Mother Earth. She is everything. The Earth wouldn’t even be alive without her. Nothing would be alive. Even before we are born, we live in water for nine months. And when we come into this world, we come from that water. Water is everything. It is life. Without it, we will not survive. For every gallon of gas and oil, it takes five gallons of water. So if you are taking that water away, what are you doing to life? Humans think about what we need—water, land, trees—but we don’t think about our relationship with them. We are just a part of something much bigger. And if that water is going away, it is taking everything with it. It is affecting all life. You can see it. You can see how the water is disappearing and how that affects everything—the ecosystem, the animals we rely on. Plastics rise into the air, come down in the rain, and seep into the water. The toxins create sickness, deformities, tumors. Any animal that disappears disrupts the balance. They say climate change started when the first settlers arrived when they brought foreign trees, when the buffalo were taken away. That balance was broken, and trauma was created. Taking the water away is taking life away.


Jim Aontine Lidly Kýé First Nation Full film


Sue Deranger Elders Wisdom Council Regina, Treaty 4 Full Film