
Gerry Cheezie KOW Co-chair Full Film

Video Description:

The river that runs through our community has always been a source of life, a constant presence shaping our way of living. I grew up mesmerized by its power, never imagining that one day, it could be in danger. But today, industrial processes are poisoning our waters, harming the fish we eat, the birds we harvest, and the plants we use for medicine. Toxic waste from oil sands and other industries flows downstream, devastating the land and our people.

Despite these threats, Canada, the provinces, and industry continue to neglect water protection. There are no real standards, no enforcement of regulations—polluters are free to poison the land and water without consequence. This is not just an issue for today; it is the defining fight of our generation.

Water is not infinite. We must act now to protect it for future generations. The youth must rise, understand the impact, and demand action. Clean water is a right, and we will not stop fighting for it.

To view Gerry’s bio click the link https://www.keepersofthewater.ca


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Gerry Cheezie KOW Co-chair Short Film