PRESENTATIONS: Athabasca Basin: Tailings and impacts on aquifers
Keepers of the Athabasca, in partnership with the Society of High Prairie Regional Environmental Action Committee (REAC), is connecting hydrogeologists, some working in the area for over a decade, with Traditional Knowledge holders, First Nations technical experts, and those closest to the land in order to develop tools toward watershed literacy, citizen science, and water monitoring programs.
EVENT: Athabasca Basin: Tailings and Impacts on Aquifers project
Keepers of the Athabasca are working with hydrogeologists to develop a data visualization tool for community based water monitoring that will show where tailings are seeping into the groundwater and coming back up in the Athabasca River.
RELEASE: Contamination questions on two hazardous sites: Swan Hills and Faust's Toxic Park
First Nations, residents, businesses, and municipalities want to know: does contamination from the Swan Hills (hazardous waste) Treatment Centre (SHTC) reach us around the Lesser Slave Lake area
REPORT: The Harper government supports oil sands development and the Keystone Pipeline, but do Canadians?
A report just released by Keepers of the Athabasca indicates that many Canadian groups do not support oil sands development. In all, the Keepers found 35 groups had indicated opposition to new tar sands development since 2006. In 2011 former Alberta premier Peter Lougheed also indicated opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, saying the bitumen should be refined in Alberta.
Report shows governments breaking own rules to approve more oil sands projects
Keepers of the Athabasca has released a report by Helene Walsh, titled Alberta's Oil Sands Development is Not Responsible - Moratorium Needed.
Keepers of the Athabasca respond to major oil spills in Alberta
Two major oil spills have occurred recently in Alberta: one near Red Deer and the other near Rainbow Lake. Both raise serious issues about pipeline safety and harm to the environment, human health and traditional ways of life.
Upper McLeod River Information Session
Keepers of the Athabasca will host an information session on the Upper McLeod River at the Red Brick in Edson on September 25, 2010, 9am to 5pm. Topics will include gravel mining in the Athabasca Basin, cumulative effects in headwaters regions, a watershed management plan, and a planning workshop to develop a local watershed group.