Keepers of the Water

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Wishing You All the Best for 2023

It has been a fantastic year of growth not only for our Board of Directors but also with our increase in staff members on our skilled team. To learn more about the powerful work we’ve completed and the exciting upcoming projects, events and community engagement opportunities, check out our 2023 Annual Report. This report is packed full of videos, reports, colouring pages for the kids and highlights of our work locally, provincially, federally and internationally.

Our annual report is produced by our talented Project Coordinator Crystal Stamp-Cardinal with contributions from our staff, board members, community members and valued supporters. Because of your dedicated support, we can expand our work, hire new staff members, expand our reach, and lift up Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge and the voices of those most impacted by current and looming threats to clean water. Ultimately, the threat to our right to exist in our Traditional territories, as our Ancestors before us has taught us.

Click here to read the report!