Tú bet ‘a tsena

Water Is Life

Pîmótisowin Pêtâw

Nipiy Pimatisiwin

Who are the Keepers of the Water?

Keepers of the Water are First Nations, Métis, Inuit, environmental groups, concerned citizens, and communities working together for the protection of water, air, land, and all living things within the Arctic Ocean Drainage Basin. Keepers of the Water understand that clean, fresh water is invaluable to life and the environment for a sustainable, balanced, and just future for the survival of all of the life we share on this incredible planet.


Nancy Scanie, Elder and Clan Grandmother of the Dene Nation and also to the Keepers of the Water, shares her Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) about the sacredness of Water. Nancy shares the changes she has witnessed in her time.